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  • tammy546

Learn to Amplify!

When it comes to financial compensation, promotion or visibility, women’s success often lags compared to their male counterparts. There are multiple interpretations trying to determine why – here are just a few:

-women are considered incompetent until proven otherwise.

-women’s mistakes are remembered longer than men.

-successful women just got lucky or slept their way to the top.

-there are more male leaders to mentor younger males.

-female leaders will often undermine the success of y

ounger women.

Whatever the reason, women often must work twice as hard to prove themselves professionally.

So, what can you do to offset these statistics? Learn to amplify.

Just like how sound reverberates through a canyon, united voices of other women can create more volume and impact.

Start by engaging other women you trust in authentic and purposeful conversations. Create or join a support squad at work. Dis

cuss ways how you could amplify each other’s successes so that your voices are he

ard. Raise each other up and channel the power of collaboration. Identify a capable younger woman and mentor her – introduce her to influential peers so she can build her own network to grow. Send kudo notes to a coworker and copy her boss (but be sure to explain the specifics on what she did so well). During meetings, repeat a great idea a coworker shared and give her the credit.

Reverse the stereotype that women don’t support women.

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